Sunday, December 18, 2005

Toy Theatre Online Videos

There are two videos showing toy theatres online. One is a contemporary news item featuring Pollock's Toy Shop in Covent Garden with Peter Baldwin. The other is an early 20th century newsreel showing Mr. Pollock printing, cutting, and coloring toy theatres, as well as putting up a stage and demonstration. Off to the right is a woman assisting him - not sure if it is a family member, or perhaps M. Fawdry?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:26 AM

    The lady on the right is Louisa Pollock, Benjamin Pollock's daughter. She took over the buisness, with her sister Selina upon Benjamin Pollock's death in 1937.
    For more information visist my web-site at
    Kind regards,
    Hugo Brown
    PS There is a better quality version of this film on my web-site. Go to the History Section and you find the links at the bottom of the page.
