Saturday, May 15, 2010

Reader Shares: New Theatre & Production

Christian Nourdin's new toy theatre

Chris says about it:
The base of the theater is just a shoe box...I just I bought the metal corners for suitcases in a general store. I project to play an old french novel "La tour des hiboux" (Owl's tower) from Gustave Aimard.
Aimard was a colorful character who ended up dieing in an asylum - an interesting choice to adapt a work of such a writer for the toy theatre stage...

Chris sent this additional information on May 18, 2010:
More informations about my "shoe box" theater.

About Gustave Aimard - French popular novelist who wrote adventure stories about life on the American frontier and in Mexico. He was the main 19th-century French practitioner of the western novel.

At the age of 12 Aimard went to sea as a ship’s boy and subsequently witnessed local wars and conspiracies in Turkey, the Caucasus, and South America. After taking part in the Revolution of 1848 in Paris, he traveled to North America in 1854 as part of an unsuccessful armed expedition to Sonora, Mexico...
Here are pictures and commentary on its construction.

What's really cool is how Chris designed it to fold all away in the shoe it is, ready to hit the road - a regular traveling roadshow! I'm hoping Chris might share with us a shot or two of a future performance in this theatre...stay tuned.

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