Saturday, February 25, 2006

Life Imitates Art

We all know the history of toy theatre being rooted in the real stage.

But did you know there is a play based on toy theatre?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Superbowl ad: Stop Motion Paper Puppets

I love this ad that premiered during a recent sports event; it's got imagination, wonder, and a lot of talent behind it. It incorporates puppetry, specifically paper/stop motion. It has a bit of shadow play in one part with a dragon. Just marvelous...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Professor Will

Click to see larger version
I really must say that I've been deeply impressed* by Professor Will, and his willingess to share his knowledge and experience with those of us that - I fully admit it - deeply need the help! I have yet to make any complete toy theatre setup, but dabble here and there. In the meantime, I have earmarked his blog as another great resource, and I encourage fellow toy enthusiasts to check him out...

* Who knew that a tabletop toy theatre was lurking in all those empty copier paper boxes at my office...?!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Royal Suitcase Theatre

The Royal Suitcase Theatre are actually two very talented people, Gérard Schiphorst and Marije van der Sande. The wordless performances, absurd and silly, are done using objects that most people don't ordinarily think of as props, let alone performers, but that make perfect sense when you fall under their spell...

The suitcase theatre, as you can see from this photo, is on a scale quite similar to the toy theatre.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Canadian Puppeteer Does Good

Drew MacDonald-Smith contacted me today about a contest he's in, soliciting my support in his efforts to win a chance to perform for a group he greatly admires. After viewing the three finalists' videos, of which Drew is one, I told him sure, they were a lot of fun. I encourage you to take a look, and vote for the person you like...I have to admit though, there is something about Drew's presentation I do like. It's got a sweetness to it, and made me really smile.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

PuppetFest MidWest 2006

I just found out that PuppetFest MidWest has it's own blog now. It has up-to-date information they post periodically, leading up to the festival, all in this one convenient location.

The blog mentions the festival's Open Space, where anyone can demonstrate to provide exposure for their work in particular, or a genre in general - "Last year, we were treated to Ann and George Neff's toy theatre performance of The Cure - A Gothic Melodrama by Robert Poulter." Now THAT sounds fun!